The HDS Story



denoting a period of time in the past that was idyllically happy and peaceful.

Creating New Stories With Past Treasures…

HDS was born in 2020 from my lifetime’s love of ‘thrifting’ to search out past treasures and give them a second chance at being loved again.

Driven by my passion, every item I sell at Halcyon Daze Store is carefully curated with an appreciation for its uniqueness and beauty. From vintage furniture and accessories to retro-inspired pieces, I curate collections that resonate with my own personal taste. Taking time and care to showcase these products in my imagery, styling within my home and where possible, providing alternative suggestions for all the product’s uses. Everything I offer is something I would truly love to have in my own home.

Naturally drawn to warm muted tones, the store pays homage heavily to the aesthetics of the 70s whilst also giving off a cosy, laid-back southwestern retro vibe for those who like to mix vintage with new.


The Sun

We’re big fans of the sunrise and huge believers on starting fresh every day. We love that the sun represents a new day, new beginnings and new opportunities. We like to think that’s what we are giving to all our pre-loved goods, a fresh start and a new lease of life!
We’re also a coastal based pair and feel that the sunrise we see on the south coast is the best you can get! It is a token to where we live 🖤

The Serpent

Historically, serpents and snakes represent fertility or a creative life force. As snakes shed their skin through shedding, they are symbols of rebirth, transformation, immortality, and healing.
We think this holds a pretty powerful symbolism towards vintage / pre-loved items. We’re forever in love with the idea of being more sustainable and giving a re-birth to old items.
